Welcome to Ban The Wasp                    Mine. Use it at your peril. They know where you live.

After 8 Mince will be off the road for a wee bit, due to gallivantin' and stravaigin'.   "There's no need to be afraid of us. Though it just might be your daughter on our bus.." That'll be me then.                           


Hi. I'm Kirsty Holmes     A quick plug for Mary's Meals, a charity built on a very simple concept, give kids food and teach them,  in order that they can escape poverty. 

                your correspondent in the midnight sun, 2008, off Norwegian coast



KJH in the jail 


Drawing of me by Miss Chloe Burgess, May 08.

Me birdwatching at Loch Leven. Get the coat.      

 I live in Fife, Scotland, and the purpose of this page is to share family pictures and information accumulated over the years.  Please let me know abut any broken links, since I'm very good at putting up pictures with duplicate ids.  

Last updated 8 June 2010  

Kerry & Ross's wedding Luxembourg 05 June 2010

Click here to see latest news and pictures - this is a move away from plastering links all over the front page.  NEW STUFF  

Emma Fraser in West Africa  www.travelpod.com/members/emmacita  

Dalgety Bay Astronomy Club forum        Dalgety Bay Folk Club     

Click here to travel by public transport

More pictures below, this site does not conform to anything that would make sense size wise.  Scroll down.

 View the weather in the Bay today!  Time lapse photos of the sky, down by the river, all joined together for your viewing pleasure, by those crafty folk at the sailing club.

Family History  

NEW picturesMy pictures and news of Dalgety Bay Folk Club plus the adventures of After 8 Mince.  Fifers in Blair Atholl 2006 and 2007 and 2008, 2009 and 2010.

Click here to see words and pictures from Plockton, at the Clan Gathering of the Hamish Macbeth internet chat group.  This page also contains updates on subsequent gatherings, large and small.    

OLD  My diary for a week in July, 2005.


Links to other sites  

Click here to reveal your true age, if you're a girl.

The QM2 docks at South Queensferry, 13 July 04. Large ship, large files. 

do you feel the need for badger speed? Go go badger racing.....        Mushroom!!!

  Site policy and acknowledgements

 "banthewasp" and the "banthewasp" logo are © Kirsty J Holmes.  Contact me if you have any updates, please do use the various email links throughout the site. click to send e-mail  Like this one.  Click on it. Go on. click to send e-mail

for the indecisive     

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ehh, it medd me laff digitally enhanced by Paul
                       3rd runway binned by the Tory/LibDem coalition 2010. I'm still not going to like them though.        Oui, c'est moi