Norwegian Cruise 2008, on board the m.v. Discovery


First picture says it all. More to follow. The transfer of files to Flickr was taking an inordinate amount of time, I can't understand why but it's sure to be something his nibs can explain at great length. 


table.JPG (375806 bytes)  Double click on these pictures, if you have broadband.

Follow this link and excuse the duplication. 

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Ken showing his tee shirt to Paul. Taken by Rosemary

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Me by the memorial for the Arctic Convoy sailors. My father sailed in these convoys during the war.  Taken by Rosemary.

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Me & Paul by the statue thing at the North Cape. As far north as you can go by land, and about 3 yards from a 1,000 foot drop.  Who knew? Taken by Rosemary

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Norwegian scenery. We have lots of these. They are stunning. 

L 2r Roger, Carol, Ken, Jean, Rosemary, Paul, me

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