Day of high drama at Inverness    


Climax to Newtonmore and Dumfries enquiries

On the far right is Uncle Richie, escorting the accused into court.  The report itself is extensive, I have copied it below. Notwithstanding the horrific nature of the crime, it must have been a field day for the reporter, who has noted down every little piece of information and logged it verbatim....

A man appeared in Inverness Sheriff Court yesterday charged with murder and theft in Dumfriesshire,  He was remanded in custody and committed to prison pending further inquiries. 

That statement was officially issued yesterday afternoon at Inverness by the procurator fiscal for the county, Mr. William Paterson, following a two minutes ten seconds appearance in chambers of a twenty six year old Scot.

The brief Inverness court drama climaxed a week-end of sensational police activity in Scotland and England.  Inverness-shire police inspector Roderick Fraser, head of the county's CID, sped south by car to Manchester on Friday night.  On the way he picked up Chief Detective Inspector James McLaren and Detective Sergeant Hugh Sloan.  The three men had been leading investigations into the A9 death, seven weeks ago, of George William Green, a thirty-year-old Leeds electrical engineer, whose body was found partly buried in a shallow grave near a lay-by four mile south of Newtonmore.  In Manchester a man was interviewed and later arrested.  At Dumfries last night the procurator fiscal, Mr. C F M Burrell, said that the body of a man found on Sunday in a shallow grave at Twiglees Forest near Eskdalemuir, had been identified as that of Hansrude Gimmi (24) a trainee student whose home was in Zurich, Switzerland, and who recently resided in Edinburgh.

Gimmi disappeared a month ago, after announcing that he was going to his sister's wedding in Zurich.

Mr. Burrell added that the investigations had proceeded on the basis that death had been caused by another person and said  "In connection with these investigations and a man has appeared today in private at Inverness Sheriff Court".

Yesterday's day of drama began at Inverness County police headquarters at the Castle, with the earlier than usual arrival of the fiscal, Mr. Paterson, at 8.45.

At 9.10 a black police car swept up into the quadrangle at the Castle.  Inspector Fraser jumped from the car along with Sergeant Sloan and Inverness-shire constables, Hugh MacLennan, Carrbridge and Dick Smith, Kingussie; all wore plain clothes. With them was a man with a coat draped over his head.  At 9.45 breakfast was taken to the CID room at the Castle for the man.  It consisted of bacon and eggs.

At 10.15 a man was taken from the CID headquarters with his head covered with a coat and led into the identification bureau.  Thirty minutes later, still with a coat over his head, and escorted by Inspector James McGeoch, the photographic and fingerprint expert in the county force, and Detective Constable Donald Morrison, he was led back into the CID room.

At 12.30 the man had lunch.  Sheriff  Douglas Donald arrived for a special sitting in his chambers after 3pm.  At 3.29 Inspectors Fraser and McGeoch emerged from the CID headquarters, each holding a man by the arm.  

The man had a khaki dustcoat over his head.  He was seen peeping through a slit in the dustcoat to see where he was walking.  They led him into the main court building and along a corridor, still with the coat concealing his face.  Inside two swing doors and just outside the sheriff's room the dustcoat was removed from the man's head.  He was ushered into the sheriff's room and made a brief appearance.  He was represented by Mr. R R MacEwen, solicitor, Inverness.

The dustcoat was again placed over his head, but instead of taking the man along the court corridor, the police guided him through the actual court and out by a different door as a short cut.  He was then taken back to CID headquarters.  Several members of the public had called at the court buildings during the day hoping to catch a glimpse if the man, but only a few were waiting when the police took the man across from the main county police headquarters to the court buildings . 

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