Alex Miller's 90th birthday party

Held in Dad's flat on Saturday 24 June 2006.  A great many people made the journey, in some cases involving significant mileage.  What a grand tribute to our dad.  Double click on the little pictures to see the large ones, if you have broadband.  Come to our house if you don't.  


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Emma, Kerry, Ally, Dad, Fiona, Elspeth

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Rosemary, Dad, Isobel

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Howard, Douglas, Betty W. Archie, David

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Emma, Nick, Jim, Dad, Ally, Fiona, Janet, Elizabeth, Lesley, Les, Isobel, Betty R, Hamish, Howard, Douglas 

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Sally, Dorothy, Ella, Ali, Joyce

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Sally, Dorothy, Ella

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Rosemary, Dad Fiona, Emma, Kerry, Nick, Les.

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Ali & Nick

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Isobel, Fiona, Ally, Betty R, Les, Dad, Bruce

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The Frasers

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Emma's pictures now. Emma and Granda

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Jimmy, Lynn, Beth & Andra

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Fiona & Ally

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Kerry & Fiona

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Fraser Girls and Granda

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And as if all that excitement weren't enough - we picked up a new (to us) car on Sunday.  Old and new with curiously foreshortened K& P Holmes

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